source of its images and its myths in the sufferings of the present ... it reconciles itself with Naturalism by sublimat- ing it Thus the Factory is not solely alienated. Machines and cadences find in us certain secret correspondences ... The 8 hour shift beyond the destruction it operates daily, brings the organism into a point, anti–natural, where the disordered state is expressed among other things through a kind of waking delirium. The maddest images are then born with ease, the unbridled established without the conscious being able to do anything but register them. How not to effect a parallel with Sufism which utilises gid- diness and conjugate fatigue ... and the methods of west- ern mystics centred on abstinence and prayer.
   If to ponder at every moment, in a quasi–superstitious way, the hidden significance of daily events is a wide- spread fact (evil?), to consider the modern world in its symbolic expansion is less so.
   Society of the Spectacle, modern mythology, gener- alised Publicity, are capital concepts but nevertheless insufficient to define the nature of our relationships with the universe and society ... we perceive the world, unconsciously, as an omnipresence of signs ... signs without significations, whose sole interest is to evoke, to make us look back into the concealed part of ourselves. The look and subjectivity ... we must reconsider our relationship with the event in the most innocent appear- ance ... thus is it the spectacle, minute fragment of Spectacular society.
What happens in the concert is outside the ordinary. Anguish and concentration, between the fire of dazzling spotlight and the moving darkness of the crowd, vaguely disturbing, below the stage.

JOY DIVISION passes beyond simple entertainment to retranscribe musically the worlds of half–light and the intensity of ecstasy. Sometimes disillusioned or nostalgic accents intrude, for the experience is multiform and its complexity cannot be translated in a sole concept. A music at the intersection of luminous and dark worlds, between silence and the cry, a bridge between the past and present mystical symbolism. Key of the rock concerts (doesn’t the word "rock" in itself refer to the subterranean world?) modern rituals of which till now we saw only the entertain- ing or sociological aspects.