crying. We didn’t cry at his funeral. It came out as anger at
the start. We were absolutely devastated: not only had we
lost someone we considered our friend, we’d lost the
group, Our life basically. It isn’t someone I will ever forget:
in my studio at home, I sit writing between two massive
pictures of Ian. He’s always there, always will be".
“Our fist album as New Order, ‘Movement’, was really
horrible to make’, says Stephen Morris. “We said we had to
carry on, but it was a real struggle. I couldn't listen to
Movement for ages: making it was hard because Martin
took Ian's death harder than we did. He took it really badly.
I don't think you notice the day you get over a death like
that: I had a dream about Ian just before we made
Republic: telling us not to be cruel, which I thought was
really odd”.
"Ian made it all more serious", says Tony Wilson. “It made
it something that wasn’t just a business, a game that was
played. Bizarrely enough, several deaths followed: their US
agent Ruth Polski, Dave Rowbotham of the first Durutti
Column, Bernard Pierre Wolff, who shot the ‘Closer’ sleeve.
Outside of Ian’s personal family, the worst affected was
Martin Hannett: he was an inspirational producer and a
remarkable man. When Martin died, I was terribly upset”.
"Suddenly we didn’t have any eyes", says Bernard
Sumner. "We had everything else, but we couldn’t see
where we were going. I was really depressed after Ian
died, very unhappy and disillusioned. I felt that I didn’t have
any future. I was listening ta Lou Reed, Street Hassle,
really down music. I started smoking draw, and found that
electronic music sounded great. Mark Reeder, a friend
from Berlin, sent me over records like 'E=MC²' by Georgio
Moroder, Donna Summer, early Italian disco. I discovered
a new quality in music, which was to pep you up: suddenly,
this was the new direction.
“With Joy Division, I felt that even though we were
expecting this music to come out of thin air, we were
never, any of us, interested in the money it might make.
We just wanted to make something that was beautiful
to listen to, and stirred our emotions. We weren’t interested
in a career or any of that. We never pIanned one single
day. I don’t think we were messing with things we should
not have done, because our reasons were honourable”.