can be born from these fires and shadows – the mental
ambiguity in echo with that of the privileged moment.
Every being anguished by its own existence experiences
an irresistable attraction for those end of the day contem-
plations. Can it itself foresee what its feeling will be?
Weary of life and desiring the Night ... or on the contrary,
sparking off internally at the sight of the last flarings?
Two extreme examples, amongst others, to show the nodal
character of that moment when all subjective experiences
are summed up, when all of each day’s conflicts are
CLEMENS BRENTANO, the German romanticist,
wrote this intuitive sentence: "...Impressively, the night
veils the immense porch of dusk, and every human heart
knows who has won, who has lost".
The opposition of clarity to darkness as a reflection of
the battle between reason and the delirious, but equally
a point where the two empires cloud over reciprocally, as
in a kind of reconciliation. Mad and secret hope of the
distressed being ... Hope that the symbolic ritual, cosmic
and everyday, will induce by its exemplarity, the synthesis
of that which, in its own mind, is separated. Perhaps if the
Star at that precise moment suspended its fall. But coexis-
tence never establishes itself, it is usually meIancholy and
despondency which accompanies the setting. Destiny
of those who desire the half – light, who refuse to choose
between analysis and delirium. Hesitant people from inter-
mediary zones, from the uncertainty, from shadows and
almost horizontal lights, from half – open doors
and broken windows.
Others opt for the darkness. They will call up the
abstract, will desire the rise of secret forces, of dream,
of phantasms and of the unconscious ... but with some
restrictions, in truth even a certain intellectual dishonesty.
HEINREICH VON KLEIST, that other great
Romanticist, states that "in the organic world, in so far as
the conscious reflection becomes darker or weaker, grace
advances more radiant and triumphant..."; it is no less true
of it that he hesitates to annihilate all conscience in him-
self. He seeks only in fact the awakened dream, a kind of
somnambulism where the observer, though in retreat,
would remain vigiIant. The unconscious is here a super–
conscience, a reservoir of occult knowledge in which the
awakened part desires to drink deep. As MARCEL BRION
notes in his work the Romantic Germany, the question is
one of "sleep and active dreams". One enters the night in
order to explore it and the twilight is its threshold. Interior
darkness, darkness of the terrestrial depths, the romantic
symbolism passes with ease and intuition from one world
to the other. The nocturnal sky blends with the subter-
ranean world of hells. The texts of that time testify to
that... Thus that magnificent letter from Caroline Von
GUNDERODE to Bettina BRENTANO (Clemens
Brentano’s sister): "You don’t yet understand that these
paths lead right to the bottom of the spirit’s mine; but the
day will come when they appear to you as such, for man
walks often through deserted ways; the more he has the
desire to advance, the more solitude becomes terrifying,
and the more the desert spreads onwards. But when you
realise how far you have descended into the well of
thought and when you find there below a new dawn, when
you re–emerge joyous, when you speak from your subter-
ranean world, then you will be consoled; for the world will
never be with you".
Most paradoxically, it is the light that she seeks in the
blackness of the inner worlds, a new dawn (that twilight
of the morning) with an essential different quality – the
revelation of herself.
0 lamps of luminous fires
In your splendours the hollow grottoes
Of blind and dark feeling
Through advantageous favours
Give both light and warmth
To the cherished object of their heart
'The dark night of the soul'
Through those who are in misery of
seeing themselves without faith, one
sees that God does not illuminate them;
but for others one sees that there is
a God who blinds them
PASCAL 'thoughts'